Friday, 27 November 2009

The Toy Museum

In 1J we went to a fantastic toy museum.We went to the toy museum in the afternoon. First in the classroom we got into five groups then we got on the coach and on the coach someone went to asleep on the coach as it was a long journey.On the coach Karam sat next to Nathan and Sydney sat next to Poppy.On the way to the Toy Museum we sang songs.

We explored around the Toy Museum in groups, each group went to different parts of the museum. When we got to the Toy Museum we saw a cute teddies, barbie dolls, rocking horse, doll house, a bicycle, a toy train which was moving.Then we went on a hunt to find teddies. We also drew a bicycle, baby doll and we saw her clothes. Then we played with a spinning top.

Then we got on the coach and went back to our school. Our trip to the toy museum was really fun.

By Karam and Sydney

Toys Museum!!!

In year 1 we went to the toys museum. We went to the museum by a coach, in the coach we sat next to our friends and thankfully nobody got sick, on the way to the toy museum in the coach we sang songs on the way like 'twinkle twinkle little star'. We went to the museum in five groups. Each group went to different places at the museum but we all saw everything around the toy museum.
We saw a horse, puppets, baby dolls and her clothes, toy telephones that when you press the blue buttons it will make scary sounds, we all had a go at pressing the blue button. We also saw toy cars, barbie dolls, we saw barbie's house, trains which was moving and a cuddly teddy bear that was so cute.
Then in the museum we drew picture of a bear, some people drew scary bears, nice bears, cute bears and a cuddly bears. We saw new fashioned toys and some old fashioned toys. We also did a treasure hunt and we had to find some special toys in the toy museum.

Friday, 13 November 2009

Owl and the Pussycat!

This week in year 1 we were looking at a poem called the owl and the pussycat.

Here is the poem.

The Owl and the Pussycat went to sea

In a beautiful pea-green boat,

They took some honey, and plenty of money,

Wrapped up in a five pound note.

The Owl looked up to the stars above,

And sang to a small guitar,

"O lovely Pussy! O Pussy, my love,

What a beautiful Pussy you are, you are, you are,

What a beautiful Pussy you are."

Pussy said to the Owl "You elegant fowl,

How charmingly sweet you sing.

O let us be married, too long we have tarried;

But what shall we do for a ring?"

They sailed away, for a year and a day,

To the land where the Bong-tree grows,

And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood

With a ring at the end of his nose, his nose, his nose,

With a ring at the end of his nose.

"Dear Pig, are you willing to sell for one shilling your ring?" Said the Piggy, "I will"

So they took it away, and were married next day

By the Turkey who lives on the hill.

They dined on mince, and slices of quince,

Which they ate with a runcible spoon.

And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand.

They danced by the light of the moon, the moon, the moon,

They danced by the light of the moon.


This week in year 1 we were looking at postcards. The postcards has pictures at the front and at the back there is a writing of who you like in your class and the name was either a girl or a boy. One of the boy or girl had to write to a person on a different table. We drew any kind of animal such a turtle and fish and coloured the water in blue. So that's what we did about postcards.

Friday, 23 October 2009

Busy Bees

It has been very exciting in year 1 this week. We have enjoyed multicultural stories, games and we have used other languages too. We have had guest speakers and we also cooked European foods. We tasted foods from many other lands. On Friday we dressed in our national costumes and we sang to the toddler group.

Here is our video

Friday, 12 June 2009

Year 1 have been very busy this week doing all sorts of interesting things. On Monday, we wrote our stories of our own choice using descriptive language to improve our literacy skills. It was very fun to read each others stories. On Tuesday, we focused on money in our numeracy lesson. We added different amounts of money together and found it very tricky to use decimal places as we haven't learnt that yet. On Wednesday, our P.E lesson was to practice our sports skills for sports day coming up on the 8th July. Thursday was slightly more exciting because we did ICT. We used a progam called MyWorld3 which we used to make a cafe menu. This was very educational yet fun. Today, as usual we did a boring old spelling test and if you were in good works you would of seen our paper food we created. These included carrots, cake and a yummy bag of popcorn. We have loads of fun this week so look out for ART WEEK next week. Bye. Have a good weekend.

Friday, 8 May 2009


in year 1 this week we have been drawing different types of plants. one of the plants were daisies. we found that most of the colours we used were browns, greens, yellows and white. after we completed the colouring we labelled the plants with scientific words. we found this very interesting. the next day we started to plant our flowers in a group of five. we used soil and a plastic cup to do this. when we ahd finnished planting our flowers we gave the cup to mrs simons and she watered them for us as it was a bit difficult. in the afternoon we had a flower made out of felt on our table and we had to name all the different parts of it together. on thursday we went to the ict room. we went on a programme which showed us the different stages of planting a flower. we had a game on the computer which we had to water the flowers and see if they grew. some of us didnt use the water carefully and some of us did. we also moved the flower into the sunlight to see if it grew. today we had some numbers in digits and we had to write them in letters it was quite a challenge! this weeks been great!!! and full of work!!

Friday, 1 May 2009


in year 1 we have been starting to plant flowers!most of us chose a sunflower to grow there were many more flowers such as catgrass, marrow, baby marrow. these are the steps we planted our flowers in:
1. we put some soil in a cup.
2. we put our seed in the soil.
3. then we covered it up with more soil.
4. after that we poured water on it.
5. we put a lolly stick on the soil and wrote what flower we chose on it.
6. finnaly we put some of them in a cuboard and some in the sunlight to see which ones grow quicker. we had a really good time planting the flowers and hope to do it soon again!

Friday, 24 April 2009


we have just come back from our easter holidays and weve already started to have fun!
on monday we did maths and we played a game called the shape game. mrs sheikh (miss javed but shes got married!!!) held up a bag with shapes in it but we couldnt see what shapes were inside it. we had to guess what shapes they were while mrs sheikh was describing it to us. on tuesday we were doing really fun activities with bubblz the funny clown such as her blowing buubbles for us that were enormous and a massive cube that 12 people could fit in!!!! on wednesday we went into the woods and looked at we did pe and practised for sports day!

Friday, 27 March 2009


following on from last week in year 1 we have been writing sentences about the pied piper story for our story boards. on tuesday we drew pictures of objects related to easter like easter eggs and easter bunnies. today we did boring old spellings AGAIN!!!!!! Musa got 10 out of 10 and he was very proud of himself. everyone dressed up in their countries dress type because it was multi-lingal day today we all looked amazing! even mrs maryon!!

Friday, 20 March 2009


in year one this week we have been reading the story pied piper. we had to put some of the pictures from the story in order and colour them in. on tuesday we made our mothers day cards. we put some flowers on them and cut out lots of paper to go on them. yeterday we did some art work. it was really good and fun. today we wrote inside our mothers day cards and some of us wrote some really nice messeges heres one of them:

to mum

happy mothers day!

lots of love from

zaid xxxxx

after we wrote them out we did the finnishing touches to make them look really good for our loving mums!!!

Friday, 13 March 2009


in year one this week we have had lots of fun. on monday we did some maths. miss javed gave us a sheet of paper with some word problems on we had to work them all out by adding and subtracting different ammounts of money. on wednesday the theatre company came in especially for us at told us two stories beauty and the beast and the ugly duckling. some people from our class got to go with the company a nd help them act out the stories. on thursday afternoon we had miss bacon and we did some geography with her. we got to write down our addresses and look how far our houses are away from school. today was red nose day so we all dressed up in red and did a t mobile dance in the morning its was brilliant!!!

Friday, 6 March 2009


this week in year 1 we have been making masks for the theatre company out of paper. the masks had pictures of animals on them and we coloured them in. on tuesday we talked about our favourite food and drew pictures of them. following on from this on wednesday we wrote poems about our favourite food. heres an example of maryams work her favourite food is chips!
chips, chips,
i love you so much,
your sprinkled with salt,
i cant get enough!

in maths yesterday we started to measure different objects around the classroom in centimetres.
it was really hard to remember to put the centimetre sign after every number we wrote. we measured brown bricks, pencils, paper clips, glue and crayons. later on in the day we went into the hall and measured the width and lenth of it. it was really tricky.
our favourite thing for the whole week was writing the poems. over all we had a fantastic time!!

Friday, 27 February 2009


in year 1 this week we have been drawing pictures of different types of houses with oil pastles. our pictures were beautiful but our hands weren't! we have been making comic strips about superheroes it was really fun. on wednesday we were weaving paper with different coloured paper.